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Are you torn between Etsy and Shopify as your e-commerce platform? Wondering about the fees and pricing differences between the two? How much does Shopify take per sale, and what are the fees charged by Etsy?

Etsy and Shopify stand as prominent e-commerce platforms, each offering unique advantages. Etsy specializes in handmade and vintage items, catering to artisans and small businesses.

It is crucial to comprehend the fee structures of each platform and their differences, empowering you to optimize pricing, manage expenses, and maximize profit margins for your online business. Understanding the fees associated with selling on these platforms becomes vital as it directly impacts profitability.

Shopify Fees

A screenshot of the Shopify Website Image Source: Shopify

When it comes to selling on Shopify, there are various fees to consider. Let’s briefly overview the costs associated with using the Shopify platform.

Breakdown of Shopify Fees

  • Subscription fees: Shopify offers different pricing plans, starting from the Basic plan at $29 per month, which includes essential features for small businesses. Higher-tier plans like Advanced Shopify plans offer more features and scalability.
  • Transaction fees: In addition to the subscription fees, Shopify charges transaction fees on each sale made through its platform. The transaction fees vary depending on the pricing plan you choose.
  • Other charges: These can include fees for premium themes, third-party apps, custom domain names, and shipping integration.

Etsy Fees

A screenshot of the Etsy Website Image Source: Etsy

Selling on Etsy also involves various fees that sellers should be aware of. Let’s look at an overview of the expenses associated with using the Etsy platform.

Breakdown of Etsy fees

  • Listing fees: Etsy charges a fee for each item listed in your shop ($0.20 per item) and is valid for four months. If the item sells within that period, you must relist and pay the fee again for the item to remain active.
  • Transaction fees: Etsy applies a transaction fee on each sale made through their platform (5% of the item’s total sale price, including the item cost, shipping fees, and gift wrapping charges). This does not include any taxes collected from the buyer.
  • Additional fees: Etsy offers optional features and services that sellers can choose to enhance their shop and listings. These may include promoting listings, running advertising campaigns, or using Etsy’s Pattern website builder.

Comparison of Shopify Fees to Etsy Fees

When deciding between selling on Shopify or Etsy, understanding the fee structures of each platform is crucial.

Fees can significantly impact your profitability and overall experience as an online seller. First, let’s take a look at this comparison table.

Comparison of Shopify Fees and Etsy Fees

*Disclaimer: The fees mentioned in the comparison table are subject to change and may vary based on currency fluctuations, promotions, changes to memberships, and other discounts. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, please visit the official website or application of Shopify and Etsy. *

Which Platform is Right for You?

The right platform for you depends on your specific business needs, target audience, product offerings, and long-term goals. Evaluating these factors will help you make an informed decision and choose the platform that aligns best with your business vision.

1. Target Audience

Consider your target audience and the type of products you sell. For example, Etsy is known for its niche market of handmade and vintage items, attracting buyers seeking unique and artisanal products. On the other hand, Shopify provides a broader platform suitable for various products and industries.

2. Customization Options

Evaluate the level of customization you require for your online store. Shopify offers extensive customization capabilities, allowing you to create a fully personalized storefront with custom themes and advanced design options. While providing some customization features, Etsy follows a more standardized layout to maintain consistency across the marketplace.

3. Marketing Tools

Assess the marketing tools and features available on each platform. Shopify provides various built-in marketing tools, including SEO optimization, social media integration, and email marketing capabilities. Etsy offers its promotional features and opportunities within the marketplace, such as the option to run promoted listings.

4. Fees

Compare the fee structures of both platforms. Shopify charges subscription fees based on different pricing plans and transaction fees on each sale. Etsy charges listing fees per item and transaction fees based on a percentage of the total sale price. Consider the impact of these fees on your profitability and budget.

5. Branding and Control

Consider the level of branding and control you desire over your online store. Shopify allows you to build and establish your brand identity and manage the customer experience entirely. Etsy, meanwhile, provides a preexisting marketplace with its own branding and customer base, which can be advantageous for sellers looking to leverage the platform’s established reputation.

Pros and Cons of Shopify

When evaluating e-commerce platforms, it is important to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages that Shopify offers. Before committing to Shopify as your preferred e-commerce solution, it is crucial to assess whether the platform can effectively meet your specific requirements and needs.

Pros of Shopify

  • Versatility: Shopify offers a highly versatile platform that can accommodate various types of businesses and industries.
  • Customization: With Shopify, you have extensive customization options, allowing you to create a unique and branded online store.
  • Powerful Tools: Shopify provides various built-in tools and features for marketing, SEO optimization, inventory management, and more.

    Cons of Shopify

  • Cost: Shopify’s subscription and transaction fees can increase, especially for small or starting businesses.
  • Learning Curve: While Shopify offers user-friendly interfaces, setting up and managing your online store is still a learning curve.
  • Technical Limitations: While highly customizable, Shopify may have some technical limitations in terms of complex functionality or specific integrations.

Pros and Cons of Etsy

Etsy’s benefits and cons should be considered while evaluating e-commerce companies. Before choosing Etsy as your e-commerce platform, make sure it can satisfy your needs. If you carefully consider these factors, you’ll be able to choose the ideal platform for your internet business.

Pros of Etsy

  • Niche Audience: Etsy attracts a dedicated community of buyers specifically interested in unique handmade and vintage items, offering a targeted market for sellers within this niche.
  • Established Marketplace: Benefit from Etsy’s established reputation, brand recognition, and built-in customer base, which can help drive visibility and sales for your products.
  • Simplicity: Setting up an Etsy shop is relatively easy with simplified processes and templates provided by the platform, making it accessible for sellers, particularly those new to e-commerce.

Cons of Etsy

  • Limited Brand Control: While some customization options are available, Etsy’s platform design and branding guidelines may restrict the level of control you have over establishing a unique brand identity.
  • Marketplace Competition: As a marketplace, you’ll face competition from other sellers within the same niche, making it essential to stand out through quality products and effective marketing strategies.
  • Transaction Fees: Etsy charges transaction fees based on the total sale price, which can eat into profit margins, especially for higher-priced items, requiring careful pricing considerations.

Optimizing Pricing Strategies on Shopify and Etsy

When selling on Shopify and Etsy, optimizing your pricing strategies is crucial to ensure profitability and competitiveness. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and competition to set the right product price point.

Regularly analyze and adjust your pricing strategy based on sales performance and customer feedback to maximize revenue and attract potential buyers.

Shopify Payments: Benefits and Considerations

Shopify Payments is an integrated payment gateway provided by Shopify, offering several benefits for sellers. With Shopify Payments, you can enjoy streamlined transaction management, faster payouts, and reduced transaction fees.

It seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store, providing a cohesive and efficient selling experience. However, it’s essential to consider the availability of Shopify Payments in your country and any potential restrictions or requirements.

Etsy Payments: Features and Integration

Etsy Payments enables buyers to make purchases directly on the platform. By using Etsy Payments, you can accept various payment methods, including credit cards, Etsy gift cards, and more.

Etsy Payments provides a convenient and trusted payment solution for buyers, and it integrates seamlessly with your Etsy shop.

Exploring Shopify’s Marketing Tools for Business Growth

Shopify provides a range of marketing tools to help drive business growth and reach your target audience effectively. Utilize features such as SEO optimization, social media integration, email marketing campaigns, and abandoned cart recovery to boost visibility, engage customers, and increase sales.

Experiment with different marketing strategies and track their performance using Shopify’s analytics tools to refine your approach and achieve long-term business success.

Etsy Promoted Listings: Boosting Visibility and Sales

Etsy Promoted Listings is a powerful tool that can increase the visibility of your products and drive sales within the Etsy marketplace.

Let’s explore how you can set up Promoted Listings on Etsy and maximize your return on investment (ROI) through effective advertising strategies.

How To Set Up Promoted Listings on Etsy

To set up Promoted Listings on Etsy, select specific products you want to promote and set a daily budget for your ad campaigns. By choosing relevant keywords, setting competitive bids, and monitoring campaign performance, you can optimize your Promoted Listings to reach potential buyers and increase visibility for your shop.

Maximizing ROI with Effective Etsy Advertising Strategies

To achieve the best return on investment with Etsy Promoted Listings, it’s essential to implement effective advertising strategies. Continuously monitor and analyze campaign performance to identify which keywords, ad placements, and bidding strategies generate the highest ROI.

Experiment with different targeting options, adjust bids based on conversion rates, and refine your campaigns over time to maximize the impact of your advertising budget.

Shopify App Store: Extending Functionality with Third-Party Apps

The Shopify App Store offers a vast selection of third-party apps that can extend the functionality of your Shopify store and enhance various aspects of your business.

Let’s explore how you can leverage the Shopify App Store to improve inventory management, order fulfillment, marketing, and customer support.

Top Shopify Apps for Inventory Management and Order Fulfillment

Discover top Shopify apps in the App Store that can streamline inventory management and order fulfillment processes. These apps can help you track stock levels, manage multiple sales channels, automate order fulfillment, and integrate with shipping providers for a seamless and efficient workflow.

Enhancing Marketing and Customer Support with Shopify Apps

Explore Shopify apps that can enhance your marketing efforts and customer support capabilities. These apps can provide advanced marketing tools, including email marketing automation, social media integration, and customer engagement features.

Customer support apps can help you offer live chat, ticketing systems, and enhanced customer service, allowing you to provide exceptional support and build stronger relationships with your customers.

Shopify SEO vs. Etsy SEO: Optimizing Product Discoverability

Improving the search engine visibility of your products is crucial for attracting potential buyers. Let’s explore the differences in SEO strategies between Shopify and Etsy and how you can optimize product discoverability on each platform.

Shopify SEO Best Practices: Keywords, Meta Tags, and URL Structure

Optimizing your product listings for search engines on Shopify involves implementing effective SEO practices.

This includes conducting keyword research to identify relevant search terms, optimizing meta tags and descriptions, and ensuring your URL structure is clean and descriptive. Utilizing alt tags for images and creating unique and compelling product descriptions are also essential for improving SEO on Shopify.

Etsy SEO Strategies: Titles, Tags, and Descriptions

Etsy provides specific tools and features to enhance product discoverability within its marketplace. Optimizing SEO on Etsy involves crafting keyword-rich titles, utilizing relevant tags, and writing detailed and engaging product descriptions.

Understanding how Etsy’s search algorithm works, including the importance of relevancy and engagement, can help you optimize your listings for maximum visibility and reach on the platform.

Managing Inventory and Orders on Shopify and Etsy

Efficiently managing inventory and orders is crucial for smooth operations on Shopify and Etsy. Leverage the platforms’ inventory management features to track stock levels, receive notifications for low inventory, and synchronize inventory across multiple channels.

Use order management tools to process orders promptly, generate shipping labels, and provide customers with real-time order updates. Streamlining these processes ensures timely fulfillment, enhances customer satisfaction, and helps maintain a strong reputation on the platforms.


What Are the Fees Charged by Etsy To Sell?

Etsy charges a listing fee of $0.20 per item in your shop and applies a transaction fee of 5% of the total sale price, including the item cost, shipping fees, and gift wrapping charges.

Can I Use Both Shopify and Etsy Simultaneously?

Yes, many sellers use both platforms to diversify their reach and target different audiences. You can also integrate your Shopify store with your Etsy shop to manage inventory and orders efficiently.

Are There Any Additional Charges on Shopify?

In addition to the subscription and transaction fees, there may be additional charges for using premium themes, third-party apps, custom domain names, and shipping integration on Shopify.

Can I Customize the Appearance of My Shopify Store?

Yes, Shopify offers a wide range of customization options. You can choose from various themes, modify the design and layout, and add custom branding elements to create a unique storefront.

Are There Any Marketing Tools Available on Etsy?

Yes, Etsy provides sellers with promotional features like promoted listings, social media sharing options, and the ability to participate in Etsy’s marketing campaigns to increase visibility and reach.

Can I Use My Own Domain Name With Shopify?

Yes, Shopify allows you to use a custom domain name for your online store, providing a professional and branded web address.

Can I Offer International Shipping on Shopify and Etsy?

Yes, both platforms support international shipping. You can set up shipping options and rates based on different countries and regions to cater to a global customer base.

How Can I Optimize My Listings on Etsy and Shopify for Better Visibility?

To optimize your listings, focus on using relevant keywords, clear and attractive product photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing. Additionally, leveraging social media, running promotions, and maintaining good customer reviews can help boost visibility on both platforms.

How Often Are Fees Deducted on Etsy and Shopify?

On Etsy, listing fees are deducted at the time of listing, while transaction fees are deducted from each sale. For Shopify, subscription fees are typically billed monthly, and transaction fees are deducted at the time of each sale.

Can I Track Inventory and Manage Orders on Shopify and Etsy?

Yes, both platforms provide inventory management and order-tracking features. You can track stock levels, receive notifications for low inventory, and manage orders efficiently to ensure smooth fulfillment processes.

Final Notes

Shopify and Etsy are both powerful platforms offering unique benefits for online sellers. Based on our analysis, we recommend that businesses seeking more customization options, scalability, and control over their branding and customer experience consider using Shopify.

Assessing your business needs involves considering factors such as your target audience, product offerings, customization requirements, scalability, and budget.

Finally, experimenting with both Shopify and Etsy through trial periods or starting with a smaller inventory can help you gain hands-on experience and make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and maximizes the potential for growth in your online business.